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Alireza Abbasi: In Iran, there are unhealthy relationships for the selection of managers

Alireza Abbasi, the great professor of sports science in the world, the owner of international and Asian honors and titles, whose articles and articles are very useful and practical for the sports community, talks about the chaotic situation in Iran.

The statement

He stated: In Iran, managers are not selected for merit and only relationships and positions are important, the only thing that is not important is science and knowledge.
According to my successful and brilliant qualifications and resume in the world, many people think that I have a suitable job with excellent facilities in Iran, but the truth is something else and I have a very ordinary job with low salary here.
I have decided to work with other countries and if a good proposal is presented, I will think about it seriously and I am ready to leave Iran.
I always like to be in a place where my value is preserved and my knowledge is respected.
I hope that cooperation with other countries will be provided.


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