From the point of view of terminology, innovation is an infinitive with the concept of being innovative. The source is always the place of issue. This word is synonymous with vocabulary; Innovation and invention are considered as the infinitives of creation.
The first step in the country’s development is to recognize its true innovators and elites in all possible fields and fields. Collecting this big data based on the field of study and the level of personal and social skills of people will be able to open the country’s way out of the existing and possible crises and the ratio of the issues facing at the level of the base of Maslow’s pyramid with a view of reforming from the bottom to the top. solve above This issue, which requires a cyclical structure to create a platform for various individual and social actions and interactions of the elite society, surprisingly targets the issue of making the government more agile and reducing the administration of affairs by it, and is classified as the category of fundamental reforms of the society from the bottom up. will put
After today, all the provincial and city headquarters should make the introduction of their human network of innovators their most important concern. This network should have all the sufficient information of the country’s innovators.
Innovators at this level are like spotlights on the small and big decisions of the government and have given the development indicators in each sector to the synergistic rule in the provincial capacities through problem-finding and creating a platform for specialization, and in this way, speed, knowledge and experience. The result of it will be provided to the processes and mechanisms of action.
A proper understanding of our country’s issues will lead us to do effective work. On the other hand, the correct direction of resources towards effective work through stable and expert human resources will also realize the concept of efficiency. Productivity is the result of effectiveness and efficiency in doing things.
In this case, the category of maintaining human resources of innovators will be realized.
This mechanism should be able to return the human resources separated from the national capacities to the efficiency of the country in a win-win game.
For Ibn Mohamm, the design of the innovative parliament, innovative government and innovative city council will increase the ability of the country’s management in explaining the upstream documents and the quality of the performance of the vertical service structure, and from the scale of cities to the upstream levels of the country’s management, the possibility of cultivating elites in the field of action and succession for It will realize the future of Iran.